Supraorbital artery

Artery: Supraorbital artery
The ophthalmic artery and its branches. (Supraorbital artery labeled at center top.)
The tarsi and their ligaments. Right eye; front view. (Supraorbital vessels labeled at upper right.)
Latin arteria supraorbitalis
Gray's subject #146 569
Supplies levator palpebrae superioris
diploë of the frontal bone
frontal sinus
upper eyelid
skin of the forehead
Source ophthalmic artery   
Branches superficial branch
deep branch
Vein supraorbital vein

The supraorbital artery is an artery of the head.



It springs from the ophthalmic artery as that vessel is crossing over to the medial side of the optic nerve.

It passes upward on the medial borders of the superior rectus muscle and levator palpebrae superioris, meeting the supraorbital nerve accompanies it between the roof of the orbit and levator palpebrae superioris to the supraorbital notch.


When passing through the supraorbital notch it divides into a superficial and a deep branch. Its terminal branches anastomose with branches of the supratrochlear artery and the superficial temporal arteries.


This artery supplies the levator palpebrae superioris, the diploë of the frontal bone, the frontal sinus, the upper eyelid, and the skin of the forehead and the scalp.

This artery may be absent in 10% to 20% of individuals. [1]

Additional images


  1. ^ Dutton JJ: Osteology of the orbit. In Atlas of clinical and surgical orbital anatomy, Philadelphia, 1994, WB Saunders

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This article was originally based on an entry from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy. As such, some of the information contained within it may be outdated.